martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015


Die Antwoord is a South African electro rap-rave band, his style is a fusion of different cultures and rhythms, elements of African culture, rap and electro, they call this style ZEF, and his lyrics are made in Afrikaans, English and Xhosa. band was founded in 2008 and is composed of the vocalist: Ninja (Watkin Tudor Jones), Yo-Landi Vi-$$er (Anri du Toit) and DJ Hi-Tek (Justin de Nobrega). Die Antwoord released their debut studio album $ O $ (2009) to download. Shortly after signing with Interscope Records, they founded his own label, Zef Records, which released their second and third studio album, Ten$ion (2012 ) and Mag Donker (2014), respectively. The most famous songs are: I Fink U Freeky, Babys on Fire and Cookie Thumper, the band got more popularity when Yolandi Vi-$$er and Ninja participated as antagonists in Chappie film, released on March 6,2015 in the United States and his music was part of the soundtrack. I like this group because they have an interesting proposal, mix styles, which pleases me very much. I also enjoy working aesthetics, care of an image and a specific style and maintain it over time, although its style and visual design of your videos is shocking, this is intentional making them stayahead and also to show something different from other artists. I listen to music when I want to encourage me to clean the house, exercise or just cheer, I also like to listen at parties because his music is strong and has a lot of rhythm. In March 2016 will be presented in Chile, in the Lollapalooza.

1 comentario:

  1. Better, Fernanda. You improved!!

    This is your score:

    Task 3
    coherence and cohesion 2,5
    lexis and grammar 2,5 = 8pts 6,5



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