martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015


Die Antwoord is a South African electro rap-rave band, his style is a fusion of different cultures and rhythms, elements of African culture, rap and electro, they call this style ZEF, and his lyrics are made in Afrikaans, English and Xhosa. band was founded in 2008 and is composed of the vocalist: Ninja (Watkin Tudor Jones), Yo-Landi Vi-$$er (Anri du Toit) and DJ Hi-Tek (Justin de Nobrega). Die Antwoord released their debut studio album $ O $ (2009) to download. Shortly after signing with Interscope Records, they founded his own label, Zef Records, which released their second and third studio album, Ten$ion (2012 ) and Mag Donker (2014), respectively. The most famous songs are: I Fink U Freeky, Babys on Fire and Cookie Thumper, the band got more popularity when Yolandi Vi-$$er and Ninja participated as antagonists in Chappie film, released on March 6,2015 in the United States and his music was part of the soundtrack. I like this group because they have an interesting proposal, mix styles, which pleases me very much. I also enjoy working aesthetics, care of an image and a specific style and maintain it over time, although its style and visual design of your videos is shocking, this is intentional making them stayahead and also to show something different from other artists. I listen to music when I want to encourage me to clean the house, exercise or just cheer, I also like to listen at parties because his music is strong and has a lot of rhythm. In March 2016 will be presented in Chile, in the Lollapalooza.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015


The library of the future mustbe focused to serve all audiences, becoming a space that integrate all persons without discrimination , having an integrative vision that will adapt to the diversity of the community. It should be located in the center of Santiago, in a place near the center, near a metro station , for example in Baquedano because there's a combination , and locomotion available for different parts of Santiago. The physical space should be large, have more than one floor and have ramps, wheelchair access, Parking for cars and bicycles . Having themed rooms, reading areas with armchairs, study rooms , video room, rooms for workshops or classes and computer labs also must have green areas and a playground for children. The rooms must have natural light and bright colors. Computer rooms should have well- equipped with internet access , besides having a WiFi access is available throughout the library network , the video room as the class should have video projectors and sound equipment computers. Should have a cafe that offers options for diabetics , vegetarian, vegan and celiac, also healthy snacks for childrens.

The collection should be varied and contain material that is of interest to a wide community, in addition to a newspaper library and video library also the library must be signed to databases of different subjects , in addition to a national database that houses historical archives . In addition to have a digital library and to loan e-books. Hours should be from Monday to Sunday from 8:30 to 22:00 hours.

martes, 15 de septiembre de 2015

The oddest movie i have watched "Holy mountain"

When I was a 12 years old, im discover to Alejandro Jodorowsky, his work i found it very interesting, and I began to find out more about it, then I knew that had books and films, also to inventing therapies ( psicomagia and psychogenealogy ). The first film I watch of him was El Topo , which is very strong , but that really impressed me was what I watch two years later ; Holy Mountain , which I will talk then. In the film we are told the story of a mana very similar to Jesuchrist (later identified as a thief) representing The Fool, a tarot card. He befriended a dwarf is without hands or feet (representing a tarot card of Five Swords) and goes into a city to make money from tourists. The thief meet to the Alchemist After a confrontation with him, the thief defecates into a container. The excrement is transformed into gold by the alchemist, who proclaims: "You are excrement. You can change yourself into gold". The thief accepts the gold, but when shown himself in a mirror he angrily smashes the mirror with the gold, and the alchemist takes the thief as an apprentice.

From there, they embark on a spiritual journey, accompanied by seven figures consist of: a cosmetics manufacturer (male, Venus), a weapons manufacturer (female, Mars), a millionaire art dealer (male, Jupiter), a war toy maker (female, Saturn), a political financial adviser (male, Uranus), a police chief (male, Neptune) and an architect (male, Pluto).
Several scenes follow, where in the characters are led by the alchemist through transformation rituals. 
I like this movie because it made me think, because even though each scene seems strange, bizarre or meaningless, each holds a deeper meaning, this film has many cirtics and symbolism so you must be very careful to interpret and understeand. This is the surreal film genre, although it is more than 40 years ago his message is stil contemporary. I recommend if you want to see something new, and if you have an open mind, because it has strong scenes, but you can think seeing it .

martes, 25 de agosto de 2015


My name is Fernanda Garcés, Im 22 years old. I was born in Santiago on June 8th 1993, i am gemini. Im a student of Information management, libraries and archives In Universidad Alberto Hurtado. I live with my mother and my sister. I have a boyfriend, called Franco, we are together since April 25th 2013, and I loved him. I have two pets, a dog called Hannah Banana and cat called Panda, both are female. I study information science because i like the books, reading,the information and learning, also I think that books and information are a tools for transform to society. I like animals. My hobbies are, read, write, dance, watch cartoons. I like listen different music styles, like pop, k-pop,j-pop, electro pop, rock, indie, electro and fusion music. Also I collect Monster High dolls, actually I have 10, but I hope have more in the future.


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